Only 10% of HCPs want to return to the same level of in-person visits conducted prior to the pandemic.

While 48% of HCPs favor a new
hybrid engagement model.
A recent TrialCard study showed
Introducing the QuikAssist™ System

Personalized Access to Your HCPs
Customizable Landing Page
Account Rep Receives Message
Comprehensive Dashboards with Physician Level Data
How it works
Step 1
Account rep delivers resource to HCP office
The QuikAssist™process begins
with a resource (eg, branded
leave-behind, postcard, table tent, magnet) that features a QR code
linking to your sales force -
When your customers have any
questions or need to request
any service, a quick scan
with their smartphone initiates
the QuikAssist™system -
Useful information on the leave-behind encourages the HCP to keep it in a prominent location

Step 2
HCP scans the QR code
HCPs or office staff member scan the QR code with their phone
They then tap on the alert to open the browser on their phone

Step 3
HCP chooses an option
HCPs or office staff members tap on the desired option (available
options can be customized) -
Option examples
Clinical Information
Access and Reimbursement
Prior Authorization
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Call Account Rep
Request samples
Step 4
Requests are sent out
The office that sent the request
gets an email confirmation -
The Account Rep gets a text
and an email with a pre-determined message and the name of the office
that sent the request -
The dashboard is automatically updated with the request,opening a new ticket

Step 5
Account rep responds
Account Rep attends to request
(and calls the office, if requested)-
Account Rep makes sure
an order for literature or samples is processed -
If no call is requested, Account Rep sends a follow-up email acknowledging that the request is being processed
Account Rep updates the dashboard
Closes the ticket on completed requests
Updates the status of a request in progress

Step 6
Measurable results
for your brand
Each QuikAssist™ is customized to a particular office, providing proprietary metrics on both customer activity
and Account Rep performance -
There are 3 levels of dashboard access:
Account Reps only see tickets assigned to them
District Managers see tickets
for all their Account Reps -
Regional Managers see tickets for the entire region
In the event an Account Rep
is on vacation or leaves the brand, the District Manager can take over the Account Rep’s tickets

Request demo
To schedule a product demo with one of our product consultants, please fill in your contact details
25 Mountainview Blvd #203, Basking Ridge, NJ 07920